Collection: Shiva Shell Hearts Collection

Sacred, Intuitive, Harmonizing

Shiva Shell, also known as Shiva Eye or Pacific Cat's Eye, is a stunning natural gem made from the protective door at the opening of the Turban Snail's shell. When the snail is no longer alive, the door detaches and can be found washed up on beaches. Shaped into a heart, it symbolizes universal love and the cyclical nature of life.

Physically, Shiva Shell is believed to hold a protective energy, much like it protected the snail in its life. It's thought to guard the wearer from negative energies and enhance the body's natural defenses. While not commonly associated with specific physical healing, it's generally believed to contribute to an overall sense of vitality and well-being.

Emotionally, Shiva Shell hearts are known to open and align the heart chakra, promoting an understanding of love and empathy. They're believed to help balance emotions, bringing a sense of peace and understanding in emotional matters. The shell is often used to foster feelings of love, compassion, and understanding toward oneself and others.

Spiritually, the Shiva Shell heart is considered to embody the god Shiva's all-seeing third eye, representing wisdom and the ability to look beyond the obvious. It's said to enhance intuition, provide insight, and aid in spiritual transformation. The shell is often used in meditation and spiritual practices as a symbol of the creation, preservation, and destruction of all from the flow of life.

Radiant energy fills me, guiding my intellect and brightening my path.